Tuesday, March 15, 2011

CEd0565 Leadership Week Six

How has my definition of leadership altered or been reinforced? A lot! That’s how my definition of leadership has been altered. I’ve been of the mindset that one gathers the data, examines it, plans it, and then implements it. I like to just do it. The talking and talking and talking need has taken me by surprise. Further, although I still feel that one should initially try, moving ahead without total support is as a must. Those that push back will need to be left back, at least for a while.

My definition of teacher leadership is one of collecting the proof, talking with selected individuals, reconsidering potential methods, designing anew, inspiring as many persons as possible, implementation of the plan, evaluation of first results, alteration of the plan and communicating that plan, and finally re-evaluation and so forth. Oh, and did I say a lot of talking along the way?

Because I’ve been able to adapt to changing circumstances, I feel better about my potential leadership abilities. I feel the wiser that I’ve had this course. I has clued me in to some aspects of leadership that I either did not know much about or something that I had not considered enough, such as the way to deal with difficult people. If there is one area that is going to be difficult adapting to, it’s the constant talking to gain support. That part of leadership can be draining, but I’ll do it.

I agree that education needs to improve through internal changes, but external changes are necessary too. Administration and teachers need to model beneficial attitudes and practices. Good practices do gain attention, and people are then more willing to take them on themselves. On the other hand, external changes need to occur too. The right to an education without the responsibilities to that process will continue to downgrade great potential. Everyone has to realize his or her stake in the process.

1 comment:

  1. Lenn, I like what you said about the need for both internal and external changes in education. I agree, if others do not realize the need for change in both factors our edcuational system will continue to struggle. You also stated that you don't believe that total support is not needed to push forward change and that those who were hesitant or refused to change must be left behind and forced to catch up. At what point do you believe that forced change becomes a dictatorship or do you think that is a possibility?



About Me

Starting in 1979, I have 10 years of full-time professional lighting experience for film and television; the majority of the experience is mainly television. I’ve probably lighted every situation possible from commercials to promotionals, news stories, talk shows, and an assortment of other genres or story forms. Since 1990, I have kept my lighting skills sharp by lighting part-time on a freelance level. At the same time, I have also periodically lighted theatrical venues on a contractual basis. From 1979 and until early 2009, I was an I.A.T.S.E., Local 18 member.